VOICE DIALOGUEDianne’s background in addictions and languages led her to her Jungian pursuits early in her 20-year mental health career. Her interest in relationship and its complicated dynamics made a natural segue into the 12 years of on-going personal training she’s received from Drs. Hal and Sidra Stone in Voice Dialogue and the Psychology of Selves. The actual facilitation of selves and the development of the Aware Ego Process have been a constant focus of her mature work with couples as well as individuals.
As an analyst and former monitor on the Voice Dialogue International “Dream Room”, Dianne brings a wealth of depth perspectives to her work with dreams. A lifelong passion for the mysteries of the unconscious has propelled Dianne into expanding her work to include group work and educational workshops. Geared toward skill development in working with dreams, fantasies, and other creative products from the treasure stores of the unconscious, Dianne enjoys a combined perspective that enhances her work with couples in Voice Dialogue and expands her analytic work with individuals. Dianne has recently created a skills development program for Voice Dialogue practitioners and their work with dreams. Working with actual dream material and some organized fundamental teaching around the approach to working with a dream, Dianne offers weekend workshops around the country for Voice Dialogue facilitaators, teachers, and therapists who want to build their experience and knowledge about the world of the dream. Dianne is the editor of “Fireside Chats with Hal and Sidra Stone”, to be published in 2011 and a co-founder of North America Voice Dialogue, an institute dedicated to the psycho/spiritual development of consciousness through Voice Dialogue and the Aware Ego Process. |